
Tableau vs. Qlik in Latin America

We were looking for data nuggets in the TUDLA Latin America B2B database the other day and stumbled on something that, to hardcore Tableau users like us, was quite surprising. Turns out that in the LATAM region, Tableau is not the preferred data visualization platform. In fact, it is not even in the top five.…

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Finding B2B “Look-Alikes” in Latin America

One of the uses of any B2B database is to find prospective customers that look like current customers (aka “look-alikes”). With more developed and complete data, like what exists for the US, this can often be done using statistical predictive models. These models can yield “prospect scores” appended to individual business locations as to their…

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B2B Marketing in Latin America with TUDLA

In the Americas, once marketers venture beyond the US and Canada, basic firmagraphic information on businesses starts to become spotty.  Marketers used to powerhouse databases like ZoomInfo, InfoUSA,, D&B and others must scramble to assemble what information may exist for the Latin America (LATAM) region.  If basic data like company name and address exist,…

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Information Technology Investment in the US Information Services Industry

As we saw in an earlier article, the Information Services industry is the most “intensive” user of information technology (IT).  In 2015, the Information Services industry invested (per worker) over 8 times has much as the average and nearly 300 times as much as the least intensive industry. This is not just a single year…

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Healthcare Information Technology Investment Trends

According to US government data (US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)), Healthcare industry investment in computers, software and communications equipment has grown by a compound annual rate (CAGR) of 6% since 2000.  For the rest of the private (non-government) US market, such investment has grown at a slightly lower rate of 5% per year. Interactive…

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US Information Technology Investment per Worker

Investment in information technology by US businesses varies dramatically across industries.  On a per worker basis, the top industry invested over 300 times that invested by the bottom industry in 2015. Why does information technology investment per worker matter? While information technology (IT) investment per worker has grown over time across all industries, there clearly…

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